It’s story time! Once upon a time there was girl named Krystle who had the amazing opportunity to live out her Bring It On fantasy and judge a cheer competition on the national level. Okay, enough of these cheesy storybook lines. Let’s get right to it.
I have judged pageants. I have judged talent shows. I have judged step shows (Your girl is Greek and a former graduate chapter step master). Now, I can say I have judged cheer tryouts.
This post is long over due because it was in April 2016 when I had the wonderful opportunity to judge cheer tryouts at the collegiate level. Yes, I judged cheer tryouts. I know. I know. It is hard to believe. Hey, I was shocked when I was given the opportunity.
I bet you are wondering was it hard for a pageant girl like me to judge cheer tryouts when I had no previous high school or collegiate cheer experience. Honestly, the tryouts were fairly easy to judge. Why, you ask? First, I know cheer terminology. (I am a life long learner) Secondly, as a diverse judge and a performer, I understand the art of precision, poise, and skill. I know what looks good and what looks sloppy. I also think it helped having a novice judge on the panel because it brought a different perspective (The other two judges were former cheerleaders) to the tryouts.
All in all I think I did a good job judging the cheer tryouts, and I hope I get the opportunity to judge again. Who knows? I may get certified through the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators.
I love anything & everything that is written well… yeah you got some good content going on there for sure.