Many pageant contestants get their start by competing in their hometown pageant. Whether it is a school, fair or festival pageant, the hometown pageant gives pageant competitors the experience they need to move forward in their pageant career. Even though my very first pageant was not a local pageant, my 2nd pageant experience was my…
Viewing posts tagged with: pageantry
Live vs Online Pageants
Pageantry has undergone significant changes with the growth of participation and advances in technology. You now have the choice of competing in live and online pageants. Yes, online pageants are a thing. Online pageants have many of the benefits of a traditional live pageant, but there are some major differences. Let’s explore the differences of…
Are Black Pageants Relevant Today?
As you know February is Black History Month, and this month we celebrate the accomplishments of the Black race. My race may be known for the Civil Rights Movement and African-American hair care products (Thank you Madam C. J. Walker for blessing our tresses.), but we have also experienced success in the pageantry industry. Today,…
Learn How to Manifest the Crown with a Vision Board
Vision boards have been around for years. They are powerful tools to help you reach your goals. First things first, what exactly is a vision board? A vision board is pictorial display of your goals and dreams. The concept is to take a poster board or a cork board and place cut outs from magazines…
Let’s Welcome Krystle Clear Apparel
Yes! You read the title correctly. Last month, I launched my t-shirt business called Krystle Clear Apparel. Krystle Clear Apparel is a t-shirt line that caters to women and girls who have an interest in pageantry, branding, entrepreneurship, personal finances, and spirituality. Today I want to introduce you to two of our signature shirts: Unapologetic…
Does Pageantry Help Build Self-Esteem?
Women and girls compete in pageants for a variety of reasons. They may want to try something new, garner scholarship money, launch a modeling a career, or help build self-esteem. This month is National Boost Your Self-Esteem Month, and I want to share my thoughts regarding pageantry and how it helps build self-esteem. As a…
Royal Spotlight: 2018 America’s Junior National Teenager Madyson Fraime
The Royal Spotlight is an interview series where I highlight queens from a variety of pageant systems. This month I had the pleasure of interviewing 2018 America’s Junior National Teenager Madyson Fraime. Tell us about yourself. I am 15 years old. I play volleyball, the piano, and flute. I am currently a sophomore in…
Krystle Clear Pageant Review: 2018 America’s Elite Miss Pageant
Last week I had the honor and privilege of once again serving as a staff member for the 2018 America’s Elite Miss Pageant. Twenty-five contestants and their families journeyed to the Crown Plaza Ravinia Perimeter in Atlanta, Georgia, to compete in a system that is known as the purpose driven crown. Contestants vying for the…
This One Time I Worked for Mac Duggal
“So there was this one time at band camp….” Yes, I am a fan of the hit 1999 movie American Pie and that one line always makes me laugh. The truth is I have never been to band camp, but I did work for Mac Duggal once. Yes, I had the opportunity to work for…
4 Ways to Lose Gracefully
This post was updated on January 7, 2019. Picture this: You have spent several months preparing for your pageant competition. You have even written in your journal and practiced saying your affirmations. You truly believe the crown is yours. The pageant occurs, and you give it 110%. Finally, the crowning ceremony begins, you anxiously await…