The Royal Spotlight is an interview series where I highlight queens from a variety of pageant systems. This month I have the pleasure of featuring Miss International Phi Beta Sigma 2017-2019 Alicia R. Jones.
Tell us about yourself.
“Life is never planned, but when life gives you the unexpected, you plan to succeed through adversity.” – Alicia Jones
Greetings and Humble Beginnings! I am Alicia Renea Jones a 22-year-old from Memphis Tennessee who is a recent graduate of the illustrious Tennessee State University with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Mass Communications with a focus in Journalism and a minor in Business. As a child, I was always a high achiever from executing and demonstrating the qualities of an honor student to the passion, hardwork and dedication of being a dancer and athlete. I played basketball, volleyball, softball, cheered, and I was also a majorette. Excitement, academics, and sleep consisted of my life. My growth and maturity allowed me to understand that I could not settle for less. Seeing my mother as a single parent showed me that MY success is not an option; however struggling is an option. In everything that I do, I need to put 110% into it because success only comes to those who work harder than the expected goal. Through my growth in life, I have accepted everything that has changed about me for the betterment of my future. I am also grateful for the networking experiences I have gained thus far. In doing these things I have understood that I will never be able to please people, and I will never know how far I can go if I don’t go.
Furthermore, I have accomplished many things that I can say have created me into the young woman that I am today. While in college I had the opportunity of joining a plethora of organizations throughout my matriculation which include: Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society, The National Society of Leadership and Success, President of The National Council of Negro Women Inc., member of Pre-Alumni Council, Miss Pep Club 2014-2015, member of the Honors Program, member of Hip’Notyze Dance Troupe, member of the NAACP, co-host for The Morning Glory Radio Show on WTST The Blaze, Junior class secretary for the 75th Administration of Student Government Association 2015-2016, Host for the “Sing it or Wing it” television show, one of the Live Above Scholarship award recipients, Miss Tennessee State University 2016-2017, Miss Zeta Alpha Chapter 2015-2016, Miss Southwestern Region 2017, Miss International 2017-2019 for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and Creator of Inspirational Wednesday quotes and I-N-SPIRE organization.
As you can see, I am the epitome of what it means to be selfless and driven to inspire others. My aspirations are to become an inspirational speaker. My motto is if you cannot touch the lowest person in leadership as well as one of the highest persons in leadership then you have not reached your full potential of leadership. I believe in promoting people who don’t look like me, building their leadership skills and showing them that their life and future actually matters to me! I am humble, never selfish, and I always think of others before myself. I am a selfless soul!
As I continue on my quest to becoming a great woman I keep this scripture in mind Romans 8: 31, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” This encourages me to remember no matter how hard things may be, how unforgiving my situation looks, how foggy life can be, My God can make a way out of no way!
When did you start competing in pageants?
I began competing in pageants in 2015 which was my junior year at TSU.
Why do you compete in pageants?
I compete in pageants to be a voice to those who feel as if their future won’t meet them where they are. I am a southern woman from Memphis, TN and there are a plethora of men and women who don’t feel like they will never reach their maximum potential. I stand in the gap as a voice, as a blueprint, as an example of what could be. I compete because I was once that young woman, who did not think I could be voted for, lacked confidence and self-love. I was a young woman who desired a platform as queen but felt inadequate to have the real position. Pageants give me a chance to be who I have always dreamed I could be in reality, not only for me but for those in front of me and behind me.
How many titles have you won?
I have won 4 titles:
Miss Zeta Alpha Chapter 2015-2016
Miss Tennessee State University 2016-2017
Miss Southwestern Region 2017
Miss International 2017-2019
Tell us about the Miss International Phi Beta Sigma Pageant.
This experience was nothing short of amazing! All glory to God! My queen sisters, the Regional and International directors, organizers of all of the events, the travel, the Zeta Alpha chapter and the Southwestern Region were the people who held it down for me to come and compete. I began fasting as I did with all of the other pageants. I wanted to consecrate myself so that I could be spiritually, mentally and physically aligned for what was to come. I remember meeting my roommate who was actually from what I had heard was my biggest competition, WE WERE ROOMMATES!!!! She was actually a great roommate and queen sister by the way. I was honestly nervous because I did not know who the winner would be. What I did while I was there was be myself. I prayed, I laughed, I encouraged the ladies, I danced and I had fun! I exuded confidence in a humble way that was not overbearing but heavy in presence! I knew my place, and I knew my role and I did that.
Throughout the whole week I found myself being there for others more than myself, I became comfortable, yet competitive all at the same time. From my outfits, my make-up all the way to the stage I gave it all I had! Every moment was a moment for me to exceed the next in confidence, poise, grace, and talent. This competition showed me my potential in a different light and on a totally different level! I saw myself as the queen of the world for the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc, and with that I walked into the title of Miss International Phi Beta Sigma without hesitation.
In your opinion, how is a fraternity pageant different from a mainstream pageant?
In my opinion, the only difference between a mainstream pageant and a fraternity pageant is publicity, the sponsorship, and the intensity of every moment. I say this because every moment is competition when competing on any level. The intensity of it is different, but the fundamentals are the same. Wardrobe should be precise, elegant and beautiful flashy but not too much. A sash and crown has to be worn to every event. There is always the waving and smiling, and random moments to take pictures in between. Oh yes, practice practice practice until the day of the pageant. While I competed for a fraternity pageant on an International level, this does not mean internationally everyone in the world watched. As for a Miss International (worldwide) there are more viewers and participating sponsors for that particular type of pageant. I think that in every pageant there is major competition and that one person who will win. On a fundamental level every pageant is equal and runs as such, but the more the fan base, sponsorship and publicity the better it is to distinguish the two.
How do you prepare for competition?
Honestly, I fast and pray. That is all I know to do. Besides finding a talent, and being coached, I fast and I pray. I meditate and practice, practice, practice. For me it is about making sure I am in alignment with God and his will for my life and that he gets the glory in all that I do. When I hit the stage and I speak to people I want them to know who lives on the inside of me. I want my light to shine as it always does and as it will. When I compete it is like ministry to me and the moment I don’t consecrate myself, I can definitely feel it and see it. I make it an obligation to get insight from Jesus Christ before I hit the floor.
What are your future plans for your pageant career?
To be honest, I am not sure. I know that being Miss International Phi Beta Sigma is not the end, but I have not decided what competition to compete in next or if I want to. I don’t have a definite answer as of yet.
What words of advice do you live by?
Romans 8:31: “What then can we say in response to these things? If God is for us then who could be against us?”
Please provide your contact information so that others can reach out to you.
Email: jonesalicia094@gmail.com
Instagram: Unleashed_dreamer
Facebook: Alicia Renea Jones
If you are a queen and want to be featured in the Royal Spotlight series, please email info@krystlebell.com.
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