Dear Unprofessional and Ill-Equipped Pageant Organization Leaders,
Over the past few years I have witnessed some very disturbing behaviors and actions among certain pageant organizations. I am normally quiet on these matters, but I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t finally speak out. Enough is enough, and it is time for your public rebuke.
You flaunt on social media claiming to be best thing since slide bread, but the reality is you have no passion for industry and you have no heart for the people you serve. You want everyone to see you in a positive light, but you give out negative energy.
- You over promise but under deliver.
- You lack adequate communication skills.
- You lack empathy.
- You are more concerned with making money than providing a space for your contestants to grow and develop.
- You do not practice proper etiquette.
- You don’t possess basic organization skills that could be learned from a simple Google search.
In spite of all of these shortcomings, somewhere inside you still believes you possess the necessary skills to run a pageant organization. I am confused, and I have some questions.
- Why do you take the time and energy to create an organization but refuse to be prepared when it is time to execute?
- Why do you take money from your contestants, parents, and sponsors and do not deliver on your promises?
- Why are you always late?
- Why are you or your staff members rude, arrogant, and nonchalant?
- Why do you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions?
These questions may make you feel uncomfortable, and they should. It is time for you look into a mirror and see yourself for who you really are. I could call you out by name, but that is not style. Besides, a tree is known by the fruit it bears.
It is time for you to stop infiltrating our beloved industry with your deceit and unprofessionalism. Take that somewhere else because it is not needed in pageantry. This industry is more than glitz and glam. It is bigger than a piece of headgear. This industry is dedicated to female empowerment and building the next generation of leaders. If that is not your end goal, then remove yourself from this industry immediately because these women do not need or want their time and money wasted or misused.
If at any point you have had a change of heart while reading this letter, and you want to make changes, ASK FOR HELP! There are plenty of pageant professionals like myself who can assist you in making sure your organization is equipped with the necessary skills to be successful. Other the other hand, if you choose to continue with your deplorable behavior, just know you will lose contestants, parents, volunteers, and sponsors. You may even experience legal action which will further tarnish your reputation.
In the words of my father, “Straighten up and fly right.” You are making true professional pageant organizations look bad with your foolishness.
A Concerned 15 Year Pageant Professional
Woo! Girl this is a loaded post but so needed! It’s so important that pageant organizations remember the vision behind their organizations and stay true to that. Once they begin setting their eyes on other things, contestants suffer. If there are no contestants then there are no pageants. Our girls are what keep pageantry alive.
Absolutely! Thank you for sharing!
The pageant leaders needs to held accountable for their actions. The article informs pageant sisters about negative outlook on pageantry.