Can we leave crown chasing in 2018? Before you get offended and come for me in the comments section, hear me out. Let me set the record straight. I love pageantry. Pageantry is my passion and my ministry. I love to compete just like the next girl. I have competed in several pageants over the span of 16 years, and I have won titles and awards. I have no problem with a girl competing in more than one pageant. I do have a problem with crown chasing. Let me educate you on my frame of thinking when it comes to crown chasers.
What is a crown chaser?
A crown chaser is a girl (or guy) who continues to compete in pageant after pageant with the hopes of collecting crowns just for the sake of acquiring titles.
What are the qualities of a crown chaser?
• She has no intention of serving her community.
• She does not care to establish or promote a platform.
• She refuses to do the necessary work of being a brand ambassador for the pageant system she represents.
• She is full of excuses on why she cannot complete pageantry related tasks.
• She only cares about showing off her crowns in order to gain Facebook likes and create Snapchat filters.
• She believes the crowns will boost her self-esteem and give her the confidence she desires.
Crown chasers have no place in pageantry. They are self-serving individuals who give the industry a bad name. Pageantry is more than just gowns and crowns. Pageantry is an industry that teaches women and girls about service, leadership, scholarship, communication, confidence, and purpose. Yes, there is a crown or crowns attached to every pageant, but a crown should not be the ultimate goal. A piece of headgear made of rhinestones will make you feel good about yourself temporarily. What happens once the reign is over? What then? Will you still be that confident person or will you seek after another pageant in order to collect another crown? Queen, let me let you in on a secret. That is not a healthy way of competing.
In order to not fall victim to crown chasing, take head to the following advice:
1) Work on You.
If you are struggling in the area of self-esteem, self-confidence, or communication, use pageantry as a way to assist you in those areas. Go into each competition with that goal, and you will be amazed at the results. I must say pageantry helped me in my own journey towards self-confidence.
2) Develop a Servant’s Heart.
Pageantry is not about you; it is what you can do for others. Find a platform or an area of service that speaks to you, and get to WORK. This action will keep you selfless. When you focus on serving others, your life will begin to shift.
3) Build Relationships.
Seek to network and connect with people while you are in industry. You never know what opportunity awaits you when you decide to build relationships.
My goal here is not to shame anyone. My goal is shine a light on an issue and bring some form of correction. You may have been a participant of crown chasing, but you don’t have to continue to practice that behavior. Shift your thinking, and make some changes. There is nothing wrong with having more than one crown, but check your intentions. Are you serving others or are you only serving yourself?
If you want to learn how to successfully compete in a pageant and escape the pitfalls of crown chasing, please purchase my Amazon bestseller, Manifest the Crown: A Krystle Clear Guide to Pageantry Success . It is available in Kindle and Paperback.
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