I have been in this industry for quite some time. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have won pageants, and I have lost pageants. I have competed in professional, organized systems, and I have competed in systems that were questionable. I have witnessed competitors that are compassionate and loving, and I have witnessed competitors who are self-serving and arrogant. The bottom line is I have seen and experienced almost everything the industry has to offer.
One thing I pay close attention to is the behavior of ladies after they win the crown. It is one thing to do the work to win the title, but there is so much more to pageantry after that moment. Who are you with the crown? Are you compassionate? Are you arrogant? A crown doesn’t change who you are; it only magnifies who you are. Therefore if you are arrogant before the crown, you will probably be arrogant after the crown except it will be magnified even more because you hold a title and place of elevation. Honestly, that is not a good quality to have because you are representation of your respective pageant system, and pageant systems only need quality and sound representation.
I want to challenge you today to do a heart check, and make sure you are representing your pageant system in a healthy and positive manner. If you are not, make the necessary adjustments. If you cannot or will not, then step aside and allow someone else to take the reign. At the end of the day, the crown is NOT about you; it is about what you can do for others.
One way you can serve others is by being a Good Samaritan. The parable of the Good Samaritan can be found in Luke 10:25-37. The parable speaks about a gentleman who was attacked by robbers and left half dead. Two individuals passed over him without assisting him any anyway; however, a Samaritan decided to stop and help the man. The Samaritan bandaged the gentleman’s wounds and took care of him. He did this without expecting anything in return because he knew it was the right thing to do.
In order to exemplify the qualities of a Good Samaritan, you need to have a compassionate heart without expecting anything in return. You do this because it is not only right, but it is necessary in order to bring joy and healing to this world. If you want to be a Good Samaritan, I have a challenge for you.
For the next two weeks, I have agreed to participate in the Good Samaritan campaign hosted by Fine Honey. Fine Honey is a clothing boutique dedicated to helping women feel seen, valued, and appreciated. During these two weeks, I challenge you to do random acts of kindness to your fellowman.
Need some ideas? See examples below.
- Pay for someone else’s meal at the drive-thru.
- Randomly cash app someone some money.
- Assist an elderly individual with his or her groceries.
- Give out a kind word to a stranger.
Once you have completed these random acts of kindness, please share it with the world. Post it on social media and #shopfinehoney and #goodsamaritan. We want to spread love and compassion, and we want the world to see it.
Use the crown for good, and be a blessing to someone else today. It is important to be a Good Samaritan with or without the crown.
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