Today I have a guest post from Briänna B. McField from the Melaninated Millennial. She is sharing steps on how a queen can master her platform. I hope you find this informative and encouraging. Enjoy!
Hi fellow Queens! Just like every other day, it is a great day to be a Queen! There are many great experiences that come with the throne, but I must say that one of my favorites is a platform. By definition a platform is “a raised level surface on which people or things can stand” or “an opportunity to voice one’s views or initiate action.” Thus, being a queen is being a platform. Not only am I a voice, but I am also a stand for other people to ground themselves on. I’m an empowerer! I’m an uplifter! I’m a beacon of change and light. I’m a queen, the embodiment of what this world, my country, my state, and my community needs.
So today I want to discuss the infamous and often time dreaded notion of a platform. Last year, I was afforded the opportunity to win my first major state title as the 2018 Miss Black and Natural Mississippi. I was most definitely ecstatic and elated. However, I knew that I needed a platform. Something to stand on and something to stand for. On the surface it appears to be an easy task; however, at times the hardest thing is to develop your platform. You are faced with questions of, “What can I do that hasn’t already been done?”, “What can I do that will be effective and have an impact?,”and “What can I do that is true to who I am but doesn’t seem to copy every other queen?” Sometimes we even ask, What is the easiest thing to do?
I submit to you that there is no easy way to do a platform, but there is a PURPOSED way to do platform. Understanding that everything I do in my life should coincide with the will and purpose of God on my life made my platform more real, reachable, and relevant. It made my platform authentic and true to who I am. It made my platform original and unique. When your platform becomes who you are, failure is not a possibility. Success is the mandate, and impact is the manifestation.
In order to produce and blossom as a queen, one thing to note about a platform is that, “A platform is ALL about making a change.” It is ultimately up to the queen to determine if that change will be great or small but yet decree that there WILL be a change. From the aforementioned understandings, I was able to coin my platform, “Realizing The Queen Within: Entering Your Queendom.” In the process of developing my platform, I took 4 key steps that were pivotal and that I feel can help another queen master her platform.
- Identify who you are and who you want to be.
This is the step where you become transparent with yourself about who you are and where you see yourself going. For me, I understood that I was a young, black, educated, and flawed woman. Each of these identifiers carries weight in who I am as a queen. I understood that I wanted to become a powerful, successful, independent, trailblazer, but I also had work to do.
- Identify your passions.
This is the step where you identify what makes you uniquely you. What are the key things that you love and enjoy doing? What are the foundational principles of who you are? I have three major passions, God/Ministry, Black Empowerment, and Women Empowerment. All three of these passions are intricately woven into my platform. Your passions are key because they will be what keep you going when you face adversity or challenges.
- Identify your target audience.
Knowing who you are, where you want to go, and what your passions are should help you to identify who you want to reach. I have always wanted to minister to young people, especially broken young girls, who have possibly gone through what I have endured in life. In evaluating the broken places I had in myself, I was able to identify areas that I wanted to change in others, help them not experience, or help them overcome. I knew who I wanted to change.
- Make a realistic plan to execute your platform.
Now that you have it, work it! Start small by making realistic plans to effect change. Work up to the bigger picture. Find events that align with what you stand for. Then, produce and create your own events.
A platform doesn’t have to be a struggle. Take it step by step. Never be afraid to be who you are. It’s your throne and it’s your queendom. Remember, “When your platform is your PASSION, it’s no longer a platform; it’s PURPOSE!!”
I want to thank Briänna B. McField for contributing this post. She is an aspiring plus size model and brand ambassador. She is a graduate of the “Illustrious” Millsaps College where she obtained a Bachelors of Science in Communications Studies. She is presently pursuing a Masters in Public Health: Health Policy and Management at Jackson State University. She is the current 2018 Miss Black and Natural Mississippi and has her own blog, “Melaninated Millennial.” Beyond ALL else, she loves God and ministry. You can follow Brianna on the following sites/social media handles:
Blog Website:
Facebook: Briänna Brishe McField and Briänna The Brand
Instagram: @melaninated_millennial and @briannathebrand
This post is awesome. It’s a great “checklist” to refer to to ensure that a platform connects with your passion.
Thank you for supporting! I am glad it helped you.